The Doorbrain Project - Building a real estate SaaS in public

You, Real EstateSaaS


The real estate industry has always been intgeresting to me. All I can hear people talk about are all the ways you can get rich and getting tax benefits as a result. For many people including myself, I hesistated because,

Here's a few problems that I've discovered interviewing some real estate professionals and those interested in breaking into the field.

Problem 1: Building a network that will bring you deals

Everyone that I've spoken to mentioned how important it is to build a network that will bring you deals. This takes time and if you dont have a proper system in place, you can loose out on MILLIONS of real estate deals over the lifetime of your real estate business.

Problem 2: Expensive and inaccurate data

Many real estate data brokers offer data that's not up-to-date and at a premium. For people getting started, this can pose a real challenge, especially during the negotiation phase.

Problem 3: Lack of experience and sales confidence

The real estate business is very people centric. People who are not people-frienly don't do too well in this business, and it makes sense. However, there are people who are just not doing things correctly. They get burnt out and quit real estate all togther.

Problem 4: Market volatility

Real estate is very people centric. People who are not people-frienly don't do too well in this business, and it makes sense.

Problem 5: Broken Technology

The real estate industry is a bit behind on technology which costs investors time and money when using tools that don't work properly.

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